Charter Assistance Program

If you’re a home rule charter city, or a statutory city considering adopting the home rule form of government, our Charter Assistance Program provides the guidance you need.

This program provides viewpoint-neutral information and analysis, and connects you with other Minnesota charter cities and national organizations for perspectives and advice on charter-related policy issues.

Charter Assistance

  • Charter-related materials

    The League has developed and collected sample and model charters, 样本的典章, and background on charters and surveys.

  • 一般建议

    Guidance is available on the following topics:
    – General powers of a home rule charter city;
    – Advantages and disadvantages of a home rule charter;
    – Essentials of a good home rule charter;
    – Adopting and amending a home rule charter; and
    – Functions of a charter commission.

  • Analysis and input

    Review and comment on an existing charter, charter draft, or amendment.

  • 演讲

演讲 from League staff on various forms of government, charter drafting procedures, and major policy problems.

Fees for Charter Assistance

  • No charge for pre-prepared materials on home rule charters and answers to simple questions.
  • No charge for consultation meetings on general charter topics, drafting procedures or policy issues.
  • No charge for presentations.
  • $100 per hour for examination and commentary on an existing charter, draft charter, or amendments.